My new girlfriend.

My new girlfriend.
Love is forever

Saturday, January 30, 2010

They are alive!

My mission last night was to keep two offspring alive. The mother of one of the offspring entrusted me with the little ones lives as she was off on an adventure for the night. The hatched eggs were 4 and 5 years old. I tossed them food when they said they were hungry. When they were cold I tossed them a sweater. The sweater was 5 sizes too big but it does not matter.

I sensed at around midnight they exhausted all energy. Time to direct them to a place of rest. They awakened in the morning alive. My mission was accomplished.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well. For a few days this week I hula hooped in front of the Raddison in Kalamazoo Michigan. I also hula hooped on westnedge. I had thousands of smiles and laughs and hundreds of honking horns.

It felt great to see people smile. Tons of people stopped and took my picture including a man in a very expensive suit that said he is a friend of Jay Leno and will email my picture to him.

Many asked me if I favored Leno over Conan. The fact is you can't knock success. I figured my best chance to launch my stand up comedy career would be Conan due to my obscure style and the fact that he had talked about me on his show according to my x-wife in Finland.

Many asked why I was out in freezing temperatures, I answered 3 reasons, to make people smile and laugh, to exercise and to show support for Conan O'Brien.