My new girlfriend.

My new girlfriend.
Love is forever

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back on stage....yesssssssssss.

Hmmmmm. Interesting the obstacles that want to present themselves every time I do what I love. This time I was simply feeling really bad. I barely drove myself to the gig.

I arrived several hours early and lay ed in the grass off to the side of the parking lot and rehearsed out loud. It was a beautiful rare warm early spring day in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I removed my shirt and shoes and absorbed the sun. I took breaks and skateboarded. I blocked out my "not feeling good feelings" and focused on my rehearsal. I felt ready. I was dialed in.

SHOW TIME: I was carried on stage in a stretcher and dropped on stage. The audience instantly connected with me. I started with 2 entirely new untested bits and they hit. It felt good and I felt good!

After watching the remaining acts I walked outside for some air. Many people came up to me and commented on my act and shakes my hands. I than heard my penguin mating call blasting out of a car driving by me...WOW...someone taped my act and started playing my mating call. Hmmmm, what more can I say.....It warmed my insides and reassured I'm on my path. Staying on track feels good but the outward affirmations of strangers confirm what I have been thinking -dreaming-inputting into my mind.